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Eco-Mentor Activist Training


13 Courses

All Levels

Explore My 6 Step Pathway to Eco-Intelligent Living, Learning, Healing & Mentoring

Deep concern about the future of humanity and life on the Earth is rising in all of us, and we are standing on the threshold of change. Will we continue to wound ourselves and the Earth, by living unconscious of our ecological needs? Or will we begin to explore the ways that we can use our lives and our lifestyles to create personal health and planetary restoration? Our planetary health and our he

OFFERED BY: Eco-Learning Legacies

$708.00  $449.00

Eco-Mentor Activist Courses (Ala-Carte)

1 and 1X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Discovery & Empowerment on the Path to Eco-Conscious Living)

Are you aware of how your lifestyle choices, food choices, and health care choices (created by industrial production systems) have been hurting the health of your body, the Earth, and all living things? If not, it's time to get acquainted with the toxic, outdated lifestyle paradigms that have led to eco-disintegration within your body and the Earth, and explore new systems that are designed to foster their eco-integration. Do you want to get a handle on how your social conditioning has led you to cater to the wants of your idealized self and contribute to "Affluenza" in our culture at large? Would you like to create more simple abundance in your life, and envision a new dream for yourself and the planet that honors and celebrates your authentic needs?


22 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00
1 and 1X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Self-Empowerment Activities; Eco-Conscious Living)

The activities in this course offering are designed to support you in cultivating eco-conscious lifestyle awareness. Use them to identify your interests and nurture your talents in the realm of eco-conscious living. Be the eco-learner and Eco-Mentor you were born to be! ACTIVITIES IN PART 1 INCLUDE: • Take the Climate Reality Quiz • Does Climate Change Cause You to Experience Anxiety? • How Big Is Your Ecological Footprint? • The Heat is On (Examining the Relationship between Global Warming and Our Food Choices) • Why Do Humans Eat in Such a Complicated Way? • Exploring the Hi-story My Food Choices Are Making • Fewer People, More Habitats • Is Water the New Oil? • Is Vampire Power Sucking Our Global Energy Supply Dry? • Moving to Sweden, a Place That's Enhancing Its Immunity to Affluenza • MPG or 20 MPG: What Does Your Car Say About Your Relationship with • the Road and the Natural Environment? • If Suffering is the Teacher, what is the Lesson? • Letter to the Water, Letter to the Land • Tears from the Rainforest, Cries from the Prairies • How Will You Help to Create the New American Dream? • The Power of Choosing • Earth is Our Home, Even if Saint Ego Has Led us to Believe Otherwise ACTIVITIES IN PART 1X INCLUDE: 1X Include: • Do You Suffer from Affluenza? • Is the Bane of Your Eco-Existence an Unhealthy Lifestyle? • The Life You Were Born to Live, vs. the Lifestyle You’ve Been Conditioned to Want • Is Our Culture Creative Enough to Birth a New Earth? • To Whom Do We Give Our Free Will as Consumers? • Would You Like to Be a Lohasian? • Consumer Co-Dependent, or Consumer Independent? • Living Deliberately to Create an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle • Exploring a Process for Clearing Your Self-Limiting Beliefs • Thrifty is Nifty: Regaining a Sense of Frugality • Reducing Food Packaging: You Can Make a Difference! • Are You Ready to Stop Dressing in Toxic Clothing? • Where Do the Clothes on Your Back Come From? • My World Montage • What Is Your Heart’s Desire? • Exploring the Gift of Music During Hard Times • Which Lens Do You Choose to See Life Through?

38 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00
2 and 2X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Discovery & Empowerment on the Path to Eco-Relational Living)

Are you aware of the inner and outer relationships that govern your health, happiness, and well-being? Have you ever thought of your body, mind, heart, and soul, as parts of your human ecology system that are designed to work together for optimal wholeness, just as nature, plants, animals, insects, and ecosystems are designed to work together for optimal wholeness? In today's world, it is easy to lose a sacred connection with the parts that make us whole. This loss of connection is (in large part) the cause of humanity’s stress and unhappiness. In this course module you are invited to reconnect with your whole self and the natural world that you are an integral part of. Learn how to give nature a voice. Discover a fun way to see your own beauty and power in the faces (and forces) of nature. Explore how the laws of nature support your emotional balance and growth. Recover your sense of place, purpose, and belonging in the great web of life.


17 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00
2 and 2X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Self-Empowerment Activities; Eco-Relational Living)

The activities in this course offering are designed to support you in cultivating an eco-relational lifestyle. Use them to Identify your interests and nurture your talents in the realm of eco-relational living. Be the eco-learner and Eco-Mentor you were born to be! ACTIVITIES IN PART 2 INCLUDE: • Mother Earth’s Resume • Giving Nature a Voice • Are You Eco-Phobic? • Are You the Earth’s Caretaker, or its Conqueror? • Healing Our Relationship with Nature Is a Decision • Do You Need to Re-Possess Your Biophilia? • Sensing Nature with Your Eyes Wide Shut • Exploring the Earth as a Role Model for How to Live • What Elephants Know about Living in Ecological Harmony That We Have Forgotten • The Sacred Give-Away • Celebrating the Feminine, the Masculine, and All of Life’s Diversity • Exploring the Male and Female Qualities that Set Us Apart • Diversity Is Whom You Represent, and It Isn’t Meant to Cause You Pain • Exploring the 8 Multiple Intelligences • What is Eco-Intelligence, and How Does It Inspire Us to Live Whole? • Is Your Brain as Diverse as the Earth’s Ecosystem? • So, Do You Want to Become an Ecopsychologist? • Do You Have a Poetic Perception of the Planet? • Creating Nature-Inspired Sculptures • Embracing Mother Nature's Seasonal Wisdom ACTIVITIES IN PART 2X INCLUDE: • The Nature of Reality and the Reality of Nature • Forming a Sacred Partnership with the Earth in the 21st Century • Connecting with and Giving Back to the Land • How is Your Lifestyle a Relationship? • Earth Walk, Earth Talk • Are You Crowding Out the World with Cell Phones? • Are You Frying Your Brain with a Cell Phone? • Sleeping with the Enemy Known as EMF and Radiation • Does a Wireless World Connect Us to a Looming Disaster? • What Racehorses Are Teaching Us about the Hazards of Wi-Fi • Are You Anxious, Depressed, or Deprived of Nature? • Getting Rooted in Earth’s Electromagnetic Energy

37 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00
3 and 3X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Discovery & Empowerment on the Path to Eco-Sustainable Living)

Are you aware that there is not a person or living thing that isn't affected in one way or another by the condition known as environmental illness? Did you know that you can't be healthy if the Earth itself is ailing? In this course module you will learn about the symptoms of environmental illness in your body and the Earth, including the multiple sources of toxins that trigger it. You will gain insights about your biology and learn how it mirrors the function of the Earth's biology. You will also discover the foundational elements that are needed to “keep life alive” within your human/Earth ecology system and support the healthy function of interdependence and wholeness. In this process, you will also consider the ways that you can be a more eco-conscious consumer, by supporting the organic, regenerative farming movement, and choosing foods and lifestyle goods whose production is non-toxic. You hold the keys to detoxifying and regenerating your health and the Earth's!


17 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00
3 and 3X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Self-Empowerment Activities; Eco-Sustainable Living)

The activities in this course offering are designed to support you in cultivating an eco-sustainable lifestyle. Use them to identify your interests and nurture your talents in the realm of eco-sustainable living. Be the eco-learner and Eco-Mentor you were born to be! ACTIVITIES IN PART 3 INCLUDE: • Your Human/Earth Ecology System (Stress, Decay, and Eco-Dis-integration) • What Do You Do, When Everyday Chemicals Hit Home? • Do You Have Environmental Illness? • What is Environmental Medicine? (Do You Need to See a Doctor Who Practices It?) • Do You Have the Symptoms of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome? • Do You Have a Methylation Issue that Interferes with Detoxification in Your Body? • Does Your Face Reveal a Toxic Body Burden? • Don’t Pollute Your Body: Pamper it the Eco-Friendly Way! • Clean Beauty vs. Toxic Beauty: Which Do You Choose? • Becoming the Darling of Eco-Friendly Beauty • Make-It-Yourself Skin Care and Health Care Products • Do the Ingredients in Your Pit Stick or Pit Spray Stink? • Is Your Laundry Soap Sickening You and the Planet? • Do It Yourself Potpourris for Eco-Friendly Cleaning • Is Your Body Clean Enough to Conceive a Baby? • Oh Baby! Non-Toxic Care for Newborns • Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Investigating the Dark Side of Waste Disposal • Climbing Out from Under Your Junk Mail Pile! • Imagining a Way to Redesign the Systems That Produce Our Food, Health, and Lifestyle Products • Creating an Activist Strategy for Living Green That is Fun and Sexy • Is Green Business Using Mother Earth as a Branding Opportunity? • Creating a Sustainable Economy Hand in Hand with a Sustainable World • Eco-Business Innovation: The Cure for Fatalistic Thinking ACTIVITIES IN PART 3X INCLUDE: • Fires and Fevers: Agents of Detoxification • How You Can Use Nature’s Foundational, Life-Sustaining Elements to Detoxify Your Body • Are You (and Other Living Things) Eating the World’s Most Toxic Weed Killer? • Is Glyphosate Eroding Your Family’s Health? • Where Have All the Honeybees Gone, and Will We Ever Get Them Back? • Legislating for a Less Toxic Food Supply • The Wisdom of Compost • Sunup, Sundown, Is There a Farmer in Town? • Garden Grub, Garden Club • What a Garden Can Teach You About Reciprocity • Do You Have the Guts to Live Well in Today’s Eco-Challenged Times? • Can the Bugs in Your Gut Determine How Fat or Skinny You/Others Are? • Are Parasites Zapping Your Life Energy? • Why is a Whole Generation Affected by Autism? • Is an Autistic Diagnosis Ever a Gift?

42 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00
4 and 4X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Discovery & Empowerment on the Path to Eco-Nutritional Living)

Are you aware of the kind of sustenance that is needed by plants and animals to bring healthful food from our nation's farms to our dining tables? Would you say that you eat a diet that supports you in thriving versus barely surviving? What foods has the media conditioned you to eat that may not be health-giving? Do you eat in a conscious way or an unconscious way? Are you a fan of the USDA Eating Model, -a model that has been criticized by some of the nation's top health experts, for dispensing misleading information and propaganda? In this course module, you will gain an understanding of how industrially produced, factory-farmed, pesticide-drenched foods are harming the health of plants, animals, insects, ecosystems, and people. What's the alternative, you might be wondering? It's the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model! It's the first eating model of its kind to promote the value and necessity of "farming green" and "eating clean." You'll make an acquaintance with the traditional whole foods that this eating model features, including their history, culinary uses, and disease-fighting health properties. You'll also learn about how you can create a sacred, eco-conscious kitchen, and turn the act of cooking into an effort of your soul, versus a menial chore, when you find your "why" to cook.


42 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00
4 and 4X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Self-Empowerment Activities; Eco-Nutritional Living)

The activities in the course offering are designed to support you in cultivating an eco-nutritional lifestyle. Use them to identify your interests and nurture your talents in the realm of eco-nutritional living. Be the eco-learner and Eco-Mentor you were born to be! ACTIVITIES IN PART 4 INCLUDE: • Diary of a Mad Slaughterhouse • Dining on Nuclear Isotopes • Philosophers, Leaders, and Everyday Citizens on Nonviolence • Godzilla the Fast-Food Giant • The Grocery Game • Are You Eating Foods that Excite Your Brain Cells to Death? • Snack Attack! (Feed Your Cravings in a Healthy Way!) • My Feel-Good Food Diary • Are the Fruits and Veggies You Eat, Eco-Friendly? • Are the Carbohydrates You Eat, Eco-Friendly? • Are the Fats, and Sweets You Eat, Eco-Friendly? • Are the Dairy Products You Eat, Eco-Friendly? • Are the Proteins You Eat, Eco-Friendly? • Creating Wellness on My Plate • The Missing Link: Hunting for Rare and Precious Vitamins and Minerals • Super-Food Heroes for Modern Malnourishment • Make Milk without the Moo (Honor the Cows and You! • Have You Read the Label on Your Frozen Veggie Burger Box? • Putting Savory Homemade Veggies Burgers on Your Menus • How to Make Wholesome & Delicious Meatless Sloppy Joe's • What Does Your Mirror Say About Your Eating Habits? • Why Are Food Allergies Escalating and How Can You Remedy Them Naturally? • Is Eating Bugs a Good Solution for Addressing Hunger, Climate Change, and Food Insecurity? • Is Lab-Grown Meat Something You'd Care to Eat? ACTIVITIES IN PART 4X INCLUDE: • Relationships: The Key to Your Ecological Health & Well-Being • How Do You Heal an Eating Disorder? • Using Food and Mealtimes to Elevate Your Energy and Consciousness • One Bite at a Time: Where Is the Cookie of Your Childhood? • Eating with the Seasons: A Way to Stay Balanced • Deep Retreat (Garden Meditation) • Nurturing the Seeds of Family and Friendship • Nature’s Eye Candy: An Invitation to Shop and Tell • Earth Banquet: A Celebration of Culture • Savory Safari: A Journey for Tired Taste Buds • Finding Symbolism in (and Gratitude for) Your Culinary Tools • Meals with Meaning: Learning to Cook with the Right and Left Sides of the Brain • Rainbow Chef, Live! (Envision and Create Your Own Cooking Show) • Connecting Your Taste Buds to the Cosmos

42 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00
5 and 5X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Discovery & Empowerment on the Path to Eco-Medicinal Living)

Have you noticed that Americans are one of the sickest nations on the Earth with the highest amount of medical expenses? Are you aware that the corporations that produce fast food for the masses in the U.S. have stolen not only your healthy dietary instincts but the instincts of those living in other countries, who were once accustomed to consuming traditional whole foods? Have you been trained to think that when you get sick, a pill or a surgical procedure will fix what ails you? In this course module you will learn about how the promotion of unhealthy lifestyles supports our sick care system, a profit-driven system in which doctors are given incentives to over-prescribe drugs, instead of focusing on preventative health care options. You will gain valuable insights about how you can improve your health care by asking our doctors questions that are pertinent to your personal needs. You will also explore the path of self-healing, a path that encourages you to understand and nurture the needs of your whole being. In this process, you will explore ways to elevate your energy and consciousness, using high-vibrational foods and energized water. You'll also come away with awareness about how to enhance your vitality using light, color, sound, and other wellness/healing modalities.


18 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00
5 and 5X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Self-Empowerment Activities; Eco-Medicinal Living)

The activities in the course offering are designed to support you in cultivating an eco-medicinal lifestyle. Use them to identify your interests and nurture your talents in the realm of eco-medicinal living. Be the eco-learner and Eco-Mentor you were born to be! ACTIVITIES IN PART 5 INCLUDE: • Is Your Bloodstream a River or a Swamp? • Comparing The Medical Model to the Natural Health Model • Autobiography of an Illness • Treating Disease with Alternative Forms of Medicine • How Can a Toxic Diet Can Lead a Person to Express Anger, Aggression, Anti-Social Behavior, Violence, and Crime? • Street Drugs, Prescription Drugs (There's No Glamour in Addiction) • Why Do Conventional Medical Doctors Push Vaccines? • Connecting with The Unvaccinated • Is There an Alternative to Vaccines, Doctor? • Ancient Herbs for Modern-Day Health Needs • Increasing Your Sensitivity with Pure Food and Water • What is Big Pharma's Agenda? (Guest Contribution) ACTIVITIES IN PART 5X INCLUDE: • Understanding the Mind-Body Connection • How Well Do You Know (and Care for) the Holistic Needs of Your Brain? • How Well Do You Know (and Care for) the Holistic Needs of Your Heart? • How Well Do You Know (and Care for) the Holistic Needs of Your Lungs? • How Well Do You Know (and Care for) the Holistic Needs of Your Stomach? • How Well Do You Know (and Care for) the Holistic Needs of Your Spleen? • How Well Do You Know (and Care for) the Holistic Needs of Your Pancreas? • How Well Do You Know (and Care for) the Holistic Needs of Your Liver? • How Well Do You Know (and Care for) the Holistic Needs of Your Kidneys? • How Well Do You Know (and Care for) the Holistic Needs of Your Small Intestine? • How Well Do You Know (and Care for) the Holistic Needs of Your Large Intestine? • How Well Do You Know (and Care for) the Holistic Health of Your Lymphatic System • An Earth-Centered Approach to Medicine Calls for Native Healers and Apprentices • Anatomy of Gratitude (For Your Body) • Exploring the Medicine Wheel’s Wisdom for Life Balance and Harmony • In Search of Personal Awareness • On a Quest for Personal Fitness and Energy • On a Quest for Balanced Personal Relationships • Getting Into the Groove of Personal Management • On a Quest for a Creative Professional Life • On a Quest for Financial Fitness • On a Quest for Personal Purpose • Exploring Careers in Wellness

40 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00
6 and 6X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Discovery & Empowerment on the Path to Eco-Spiritual Living)

Are you aware that all the imperfect circumstances in our world, and upon our Earth today, are actually perfect for your learning, self-development, and spiritual growth? Do you realize that your soul chose to come to the Earth at this time in it's long history, to foster humanity's growth and evolution? Do you believe that you can have a profound impact on the Earth, as well as people and living things when you choose to view life through a lens of love versus fear? Would you like to learn about how world religions are caring for creation? Are you open to practicing radical prayer, which is a response to life in which you live each moment with the awareness that all your positive and loving thoughts, feelings, and actions can have a profound impact on all? Are you ready to do more "inner-work" to become an Eco-Mentor who feels ready to shine your light on the world? In this course module, you will be shown a way to become conscious of the events that surrounded your conception, birth, and emergence in the world. You will learn about the connection between your birth trauma (something we all experience) and how it may be impacting your emergence as an Eco-Mentor. You will also be guided to rewrite your birth story!


18 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00
6 and 6X: Eco-Mentor Activist (Self-Empowerment Activities; Eco-Spiritual Living)

The activities in this course offering are designed to support you in cultivating an eco-spiritual lifestyle. Use them to identify your interests and nurture your talents in the realm of eco-spiritual living. Be the eco-learner and Eco-Mentor you were born to be! ACTIVITIES IN PART 6 INCLUDE: • I Am a Spiritual Being • Experiencing a Sacred Partnership with the Earth • Do You Organize Your Faith around a Spirit Within? • Where, in the Universe, Does God Reside? • Is God a Female? (Seeing the Feminine Face of God in Your Life) • Religions of the World, Caring for Creation • When Is Water Wasted: Why Do Religious Organizations Spout Off Over the Privatization of Water? • From MTV to Vision Videos: Using Images and Story to Inspire a More Spiritual World • Making Life Fuller, When It Seems Half Empty • Atoms, Molecules, and Our Eco-Integration • Lifting Your Consciousness to Allow for Everyday Miracles • What is Your True Nature? • Do You Believe in Creationism, Intelligent Design, and/or Evolution? • The Earth Charter Invites Us to Create Unity and Global Healing • How Faith Leaders Are Sharing Gifts to Foster Sustainability, Health, and Unity • Altar Art: Creating Something Beautiful and Sacred for Your Home • Organizing a Spiritually Uplifting Porchfest ACTIVITIES IN PART 6X INCLUDE: • Using Breathwork to Heal the Eight Biggies of Human Trauma • Where Do You Look, To See the Face of God? • A New Heaven, a New Earth • I Am Powerful: Who I Am and What I Do Makes a Difference • Seeing Life on Earth Through Rose-colored Glasses! • A Duty to Spread Good News: Responsible Journalism in Irresponsible Times • 101 Perspectives for Creating Unlimited Health and Wholeness • Is Spirit Alive and Audible within You? • What Will Your Legacy Be? • Making Each Day a Holy Day by Walking in Beauty • The World Isn’t Perfect, Or Is It? • Seeing Your Beauty, Perfection, and Wholeness in the Mirror of Life • Is It Time to Gift Yourself a Soul Painting? • Don't Walk Your Life Path Alone (Choose Your AI Soul Guide)

35 Lessons

All Levels

$59.00  $44.00

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