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Eco-Mentoring with Tabletop Tutors (Includes 200+ Colorful Infographics + Quizzes)

20 Courses

All Levels

Lead yourself and others to live the eco-conscious way!

An Eco-Mentor is a parent or educator who is concerned about the health challenges that are impacting people and the planet, and who wants to use their awareness of the problem to support themselves and others in creating a cleaner and greener experience of life. In this course, I introduce you to my collection of Tabletop TUTORS Infographics™ which make it easy and fun to learn about (and teach o

OFFERED BY: Eco-Learning Legacies

$395.00  $250.00

Eco-Mentoring with Tabletop Tutors (Ala-Carte)

Tabletop TUTORS 01: Learn & Teach Eco-Intelligent Living

Modern lifestyles can be hard on the environment and your health. Have you ever considered your ecological footprint? Does your modern lifestyle really improve your well-being, or does the rat race for the American Dream set you up for hyper-consumerism, rampant unnecessary debt, workaholism, anxiety, and fatigue? In this course, you'll address the harm caused by ego-centric living, and change your legacy for the better, by thinking about how you can create a more eco-intelligent lifestyle.


19 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 03: Learn & Teach Eco-Intelligent Farming & Earth Care

Have you ever wondered how our food is produced? Whether pesticides or genetically modified seeds are used, or which farming practices are truly sustainable? Maybe you've cruised through the aisles of your local farmer’s markets and spoken with vendors about how the food you buy is grown. Or maybe you've wondered what's at the root of GMOs and seed diversity. Have you heard about the plight of the bumblebees and gone looking for things you can do to help? In this course, you will learn that there are many simple steps you can take right now, to address these problems and build a brighter future.


18 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 04: Learn & Teach Food Origins

Have you ever wondered where all the foods in your pantry and refrigerator come from? Have you ever thought about what a day in the life of a cow or a chicken looks like that produces the milk, butter, eggs, and meat you might consume? Have you ever thought about how tiny seeds turn into leafy green salad fixings or stir-fry materials, and how they all are ready for the taking at your local farmers market or grocery store? Are you aware of the difference between factory-farmed foods and organically-raised foods? In this course, you will learn how the foods you eat are produced and what effects that might have on your family's health and wellness, as well as the earth’s wellness.


10 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 05: Custom Dietary Choices (You Choose)

Are you familiar with custom diets? Are you curious about vegetarian eating, or about following the paleo diet? Are you familiar with the GAPS Diet, or the Chinese 5 Elements Diet? Do you know the difference between a yin food, and a yang food, and which types suit your needs better? While these diets might seem like opposites, they actually have a lot in common, focusing on high-quality, organic, cruelty-free whole foods that are raised without harmful practices and substances. In this course, you will earn about how these different kinds of diets can help you to meet your changing dietary needs, and give you the tools to build a healthier life!


16 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 06: Learn & Teach Eco-Friendly Cooking & Culinary Inspiration

How do you feel about spending time in your kitchen? Is it a cluttered pit stop where you prepare and eat meals in a rush? Or is it a sanctuary where you feel calm and grounded in awareness about your food choices and the reasons why you cook and eat? Are you an eco-conscious cook? Did you know that the cookware you use daily can actually affect your health as well as the environment we live in? In this course, you will learn about alternatives to cookware that are made from expendable materials or that are known to be hazardous to health. You'll also be inspired to create a clean and welcoming kitchen and connect with nature when you prepare meals.


15 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 07: Learn & Teach Essential Health Awareness

Do you want to take action to improve your health, but wonder where to even begin? Do you wonder if you're focused on the right things, or, if the things you're doing really make a difference? Or are you just looking for some solid information on specific ways you can improve your overall health? With so many things out there that can affect your health (for better or worse!), zeroing in on truly important factors can be difficult--especially when there's so much information (and disinformation) out there. In this course, you will learn about natural elements that are essential to your health.

2h 30m

10 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 08: Learn & Teach about The Food & Mood Connection

You've heard of comfort food, and while pints of ice cream may make some things all better, there's a little more to it than that! Did you know you can boost your mood by eating the right foods? The chemicals in foods affect our brains in very specific ways, and with the right foods, you can eat your way to being calmer, more focused, energized, and happy. In this course, you'll explore the kinds of foods and beverages that have a healthy or unhealthy impact on your physical, mental, and emotional health.


11 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 09: Learn & Teach about Healthy Sweeteners & Toxic Sweeteners

Have you ever noticed how many sweeteners are available to us these days? The options are endless, from honey and molasses to palm sugar, stevia, good ol' granulated white sugar, and high fructose corn syrup! Not all sweeteners are created equal, though! Do you know which sweeteners are safe, sustainable, and healthy, and which sweeteners damage your body and the planet? In this course, you will learn about the health risks that have been linked with consuming artificial sweeteners, as well as processed forms of sugar. You will also learn about wholesome, organically raised sweeteners (derived from plants) which, when eaten in moderation, add delicious food values and flavors to your diet.

11 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 10: Learn and Teach about Healthy Fats and Toxic Fats

Fats have been vilified for many years, but modern research has shown that the right fats can be absolutely fantastic for your health, while the wrong fats can have long-term damaging effects on your body. The trouble is, there's a lot of different information floating around on which fats are good and which are bad! In this course, you will learn about different sources of health-giving fats, including those derived from coconut oil, butter, and ghee, as well as organic nuts and seeds.

12 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 11: Learn & Teach about the Needs of Youth with Autism, ADHD, OCD, and Special Needs

Are you a mom, a dad, or an educator who is trying to figure out how your child (or the child in your care) developed Autism? Have you been told by a functional medicine doctor that you need to do a whole lifestyle makeover if you want to support your child in getting well? Are you overwhelmed by that prospect? If you are, you're not alone. But your child is depending on you for answers, right? It truly does take a village to raise a child who is on or near the spectrum. And because I can relate to your struggle (I raised a child with OCD) I created a whole collection of colorful, text-rich infographics that make it easy to learn about autism triggers, as well as the clean, green lifestyle choices, food choices, and healthcare choices that will support your child (and even your whole family) in living a better life! My infographics will save you tons of time, energy, and money in your quest for well-being!

77 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 11X Learn & Teach Ways to Support Gut Health (And the Gut-Brain Connection)

The way you eat can have a profound effect on modern-day health conditions Candida Yeast Syndrome and “Leaky Gut” which often go hand-in-hand with fatigue, brain fog, and even conditions such as autism. There may not be as obvious a link as, say, sugar and diabetes, but the connections between various foods and health do exist! In this course, you'll learn about food and lifestyle factors that contribute to these conditions and how to clean up your diet and cultivate your gut microbiome.


18 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 12: Learn & Teach Wheat & Gluten Free Eating + Recipes

You've heard of gluten, but do you still wonder what it is, exactly? Or why do some folks make such a big deal out of gluten-free foods and wheat sensitivity? Maybe you've heard that wheat can wreak havoc in your digestive tract, or maybe you've felt just a little off and are ready to try a gluten-free diet to get back your old self. In this course, you'll find great resources for determining if you should try gluten-free eating with your family, including information to help you understand the signs and symptoms of gluten sensitivities, and identify the foods that might be causing your woe.


21 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 13: Learn & Teach Dairy Free-Options, Raw Milk Options, & Soy-Free Eating + Recipes

Are you, or a loved one, lactose intolerant? Do you wonder why you feel bloated and uncomfortable after eating dairy products? Are you looking for healthy, humane alternatives to conventional dairy products? Have you heard about raw milk, but aren't sure what that means, or how it is different from the processed jugs of milk you find at the supermarket? Maybe you've tried soy dairy replacements (or other soy products like tofu and TVP), but aren't sure about their safety. This course teaches you the differences between pasteurized, homogenized mills, and raw milks. You will also learn about the drawbacks of a soy-heavy diet and the possibilities for creating non-dairy cheeses and beverages.

13 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 14: Learn & Teach Whole Foods Recipes from Candia's Kitchen

You've heard about whole foods, but have you wondered what all the fuss is about? What constitutes a "whole food", or how do you eat a diet of whole foods? Maybe you wonder how anyone has time to cook whole foods and give up the convenience of processed meals. In this course, you'll be introduced to various healthy snacks, beverages, and meals that nourish your body from head to toe. You'll see how a diet of whole foods gives you complete control over what goes onto your family's plates, and that means you can cut out toxic additives, genetically modified ingredients, trans-fats, excess sugar, and unsustainable food production practices --all in one fell swoop!

68 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 15: Learn & Teach Male & Female Hormone Health Support

What comes to mind when you hear the word hormones? Hormones — such as estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline, and insulin are vital to the function of your overall health. This course gives you a sense of how you can begin to re-balance your male and female sex hormones naturally (using whole foods and nutrition supplements) so you can avoid the use of controversial drugs and bio-identical hormone replacement therapies.


9 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 16: Eco-Moms & Dads to Be (Learn & Teach Pre and Post Pregnancy Health Care)

Many moms and dads-to-be place a lot of their energy and focus on planning a time to get pregnant, anticipating a due date, choosing a birth center, deciding how to decorate the baby’s nursery, and keeping their fingers crossed for a birth experience that provides a positive outcome for mom, dad, and baby. Sometimes other vital issues get neglected such as: why to detoxify their bodies before conception and how to eat, to nourish their fertility. In this course, you will get a sense of all the other concerns that accompany getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby.


21 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 17: Learn & Teach Drugless, Holistic Health Care

Who do you turn to for help, when you get sick? Do you turn to allopathic doctors for a “quick fix?” Or do you turn to doctors who practice holistic health care and actively encourage you to participate in your healing process? Chronic health conditions weigh heavily on our global society. We could make huge strides in improving our health by preventing illnesses before they begin. But many people are intimidated by the thought of “being their own doctor.” In this course, you are encouraged to take a deeper look into the benefits of self-care and self-healing.


24 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 18: Learn & Teach Non-Toxic Laundry + Eco-Friendly Clothing

Are the clothes you wear hurting the environment, or exploiting others in their manufacturing process? Have you heard about sweatshop conditions overseas (or even in the US!), or factory disasters, and wondered if your clothes are part of the problem? How do you know? How can you research the impact the clothes on your back have?

2h 30m

12 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 19: Learn & Teach Non-Toxic Home Care + House Cleaning

Are the products you use to keep your house clean making you and your family ill? Is your cleaning arsenal stocked with poisons that have to be locked away for safekeeping when not in use? Even though conventional cleaners claim to be safe, they are jam-packed with toxic chemicals. In this course, you will learn about alternatives to toxic cleaning chemicals.


7 Lessons

All Levels

Tabletop TUTORS 20: Learn & Teach Non-Toxic Personal Care and Beauty

Have you ever wondered which ingredients are in all your personal care products? Have you heard warnings about toxic ingredients, or wondered what labels like "organic" and "natural" actually mean? Do you know how your cosmetics are made, and whether they are tested on defenseless animals? Are the fragrances you wear and the feminine hygiene products you use safe? In this course, you will answer all of these questions and more!


14 Lessons

All Levels


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