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AUTISM 2: Eco-Intelligent Remedies for Autism Spectrum that Think Outside the Box (Includes 21 Mini-Videos + 250 autism remedies + 14 Mentoring Scripts)

55 Lessons

All Levels

Become an Eco-Intelligent Lifestyle Mentor & Caregiver for youth with autism, as well as anxiety, depression, OCD, and ADHD, and learning/ behavioral challenges.

Are you a parent who is seeking treatment options for your child, teenager, or young adult child on the spectrum, that go beyond the use of drugs and behavioral therapy to nurture their sense of holistic health and well-being? Are you a teacher or caregiver who would welcome a fresh perspective for viewing youth on the spectrum as they truly are --unique and important people who are serving as cat

$175.00  $135.00
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About This Course

Learning Objectives
  • Learn about how our autistic relationship with the natural world has contributed to autism spectrum conditions in our children.
  • Develop an understanding of the causes of environmental illness, which (this book asserts) autism-related conditions are a form of.
  • Reawaken your (and your child’s) eco-intelligence, the innate intelligence you were born with, that guides you to live in harmony with the natural world.
  • Discover why society’s view of autism is outdated: Your child’s health challenges are real, but their potential is extraordinary!
  • Determine where your child’s strengths and talents lie and envision how you can help them reach their highest potential.
  • Ponder ways to shift out of a fear mindset and into one of love, where anything is possible when you take an active role in guiding your child’s therapy and education.
  • Learn about autism types, sub-types, and misdiagnosed types, as well as the positive traits that youth on the spectrum are known to possess.
  • Gain an understanding of how EMFs, GMOs, pesticides, and heavy metals trigger ASD, anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD, and other chronic illnesses.
  • Get insights about the role that infections and medical toxins play in creating inflammatory brain/gut health issues. Learn why to avoid antibiotics and keep your child healthy with medicinal herbs, homeopathy, and nutritional aids.
  • Gain a well-rounded understanding of the kinds of whole foods to feed (or not feed) your child that will nourish his or her body/mind ecology system.
  • Awaken resilience in your child by encouraging them to adopt mindful lifestyle practices such as grounding, nature therapy, yoga, meditation, and guided imagery.
  • Make an acquaintance with bio-medical and bio-energetic tools that serve to alleviate tension and stress in your child’s body as well as your own. Explore the benefits of reflexology, acupressure, and chiropractic vagal therapy. Foster your child’s emotional balance using flower essences, essential oils, light therapy, color therapy, EFT (neuro-clearing), wearable technology, art therapy, and sound therapy.
  • Discover how soul retrieval can identify lost parts of you and your child, and how prayer can work miracles in your lives.
  • Gain immediate access to top environmental medicine doctors, autism specialists, coaching services, and amazing autism lifestyle education tools!
AUTISM 2: Eco-Intelligent Remedies for Autism Spectrum that Think Outside the Box (Includes 21 Mini-Videos + 250 autism remedies + 14 Mentoring Scripts) Details
55 Lessons
Level: All
Estimated Time To Complete
Course Description

Are you a parent who is seeking treatment options for your child, teenager, or young adult child on the spectrum, that go beyond the use of drugs and behavioral therapy to nurture their sense of holistic health and well-being? Are you a teacher or caregiver who would welcome a fresh perspective for viewing youth on the spectrum as they truly are --unique and important people who are serving as catalysts for humanity’s growth? If you answered “yes” to these questions, you'll find plenty of ideas in this course to support you on your learning and mentoring journey. My book "Eco-Intelligent Remedies for Autism Spectrum that Think Outside the Box" is offered to you in an easy-to-digest chapter-by-chapter format along with 21 mini-video intros. You'll make an acquaintance with over 200 remedies that offer to support you in nurturing your child's body, mind, heart, and soul, as a whole. Bonus: 14 illustrated scripts are included, which give you a way to talk with high-functioning young adults about several of the remedies in the book. The scripts may also be used independently by those on the spectrum who enjoy reading. Either way, they serve to inspire mutual awareness about the importance of self-care as it relates to overcoming mental obstacles, getting physically healthier, being energetically resilient, and reaching one's highest potential.


  • Candia Lea Cole

    Candia Lea Cole, the founder of Eco-Learning Legacies, is known by her peers within the holistic health community as the eco-intelligent lifestyle mentor. She creates educational tools that support individuals, families, and wellness educators to learn (and teach) about the why and the how of creating a clean, green lifestyle that nourishes wellness in body, mind, heart, and soul, as well as the earth and all living things. Candia's experience with environmental illness while growing up led her to awaken her innate eco-intelligence and to embark on a path of self-learning and self-healing. Her inspirational books, teaching infographics, video cooking classes, lifestyle podcasts, and her Eco-Mentor Leadership Trainings, all of which reflect her passion and compassion, have invited praise from many global change-agents.

Course Outline


1: Autism Book Cover

Learn about 250+ Holistic Health Remedies that Support the Well-Being of Youth who Are on (or near) the Spectrum

2: Prelude: Why I Wrote My Book



1: Taking Inventory of Toxins that Are Known to Trigger Autism


1: Autism Types and Sub-Types

2: Exploring the Genetics, Dirty Genes, and Infections That May Underlie Autism

3: Addressing Society's Misconceptions about Autism


0: Part Two, Cover Page

1: Non-Toxic Home Health Remedies

2: Basic Body Detoxification Remedies

3: Microbial Cleansing Remedies

4: Food Elimination Remedies (Wheat, Dairy, Sugar, Soy, and Processed Oils)

5: Anti-Nutrient Awareness Remedies (Lectins, Glutamates, Opiates, etc.)

6: Allergy & Sensitivity Response Remedies

7: Eco-Intelligent Nutrition Remedies (Whole Foods)

8: Picky Eater Remedies

9: Gut Healing Supplement Remedies

10: Nutritional Supplement Remedies

11: Brain-Boosting Super Nutrients

12: Herbal Medicine Remedies

13: Homeopathic Remedies and Flower Essences

14: Manual Alignment, Chiropractic, and Energy Meridian Remedies

15: Light & Color Therapy Remedies

16: Sound and Vibrational Therapy Remedies

17: Essential Oils Remedies

18: Behavioral & Higher Brain Activation

19: Bio-Energetic and Electric Remedies

20: Emotional Wellness Remedies

21: Energetic, Ancestral, and Spiritual Remedies


1: Part Three, Cover Page

2: Vaccine Awareness Education

3: Finding Health Specialists that Diagnose and Treat Complex Kids

4: Dietary Guidance & Books

5: Nutritional Counseling Services

6: Online Cooking Classes

7: Online Nutrition & Eco-Intelligent Lifestyle Trainings

8: Autism Coaches & Parenting Support

9: Autism Ed. Certification Trainings


1: Chapter-By-Chapter References


0: Creating a Desire for Learning in Young People

0: Encouraging High-Functioning Young Adults to Read

1: Mentoring Youth about Autism Triggers and Risks

2: Mentoring Youth about Living & Leading with Autism

3: Mentoring Youth about The Value of Body-Brain Detoxification

4: Mentoring Youth about the Necessity of Food Elimination Diets

5: Mentoring Youth about Eco-Intelligent Nutrition Options

6: Mentoring Youth about Nutrition Supplements

7: Mentoring Youth about the Value of Mindful Relaxation Practices

8: Mentoring Youth about the value of Sleep and Herbal Sleep Aids

9: Mentoring Youth about Essential Oils

10: Mentoring Youth about the Benefits of Color, Light, & Sound Therapies

11: Mentoring Youth about Bio-Energetic Therapies

12: Mentoring Youth about Bio-Electric Therapies

13: Mentoring Youth about Emotional Healing

14: Mentoring Youth about Intuitive Healing

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