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Tabletop TUTORS 17: Learn & Teach Drugless, Holistic Healthcare


24 Lessons

All Levels

Colorful Graphics & Quizzes Make it Easy & Fun to Learn about Eco-Intelligent Living!

Who do you turn to for help, when you get sick? Do you turn to allopathic doctors for a “quick fix?” Or do you turn to doctors who practice holistic health care and actively encourage you to participate in your healing process? Chronic health conditions weigh heavily on our global society. We could make huge strides in improving our health by preventing illnesses before they begin. But many people

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About This Course

Learning Objectives
  • Learn the differences between a conventional, western approach to health care and a holistic approach which considers your body, mind and spirit as a whole.
  • Explore eco-friendly dentistry including health and safety measures that are used in a holistic dental treatment center.
  • Discover easy-to-obtain dental health care supplements that serve to strengthen your tooth enamel and protect your gums. Recipes Included.
  • Gain awareness about vaccine risks and injuries, as well as a safe, time-tested vax alternative that boost immunity without the jab.
  • Learn how parents are using cannabis to help children with autism to benefit neurologically.
  • Learn how to use food as a form of medicine for treating imbalances within your internal organ system.
  • Gain insight about what environmental medicine is, why we need it it today's toxic world,. and where you can find doctors who practice it.
  • Explore ways to nourish your body/mind system so you can feel more calm, grounded, and mentally balanced.
  • Discover how energy medicine is being used to treat all kinds of health issues.
Tabletop TUTORS 17: Learn & Teach Drugless, Holistic Healthcare Details
24 Lessons
Level: All
Estimated Time To Complete 6h
Course Description

Who do you turn to for help, when you get sick? Do you turn to allopathic doctors for a “quick fix?” Or do you turn to doctors who practice holistic health care and actively encourage you to participate in your healing process? Chronic health conditions weigh heavily on our global society. We could make huge strides in improving our health by preventing illnesses before they begin. But many people are intimidated by the thought of “being their own doctor.” In this course, you are encouraged to take a deeper look into the benefits of self-care and self-healing.


  • Candia Lea Cole

    Candia Lea Cole, the founder of Eco-Learning Legacies, is known by her peers within the holistic health community as the eco-intelligent lifestyle mentor. She creates educational tools that support individuals, families, and wellness educators to learn (and teach) about the why and the how of creating a clean, green lifestyle that nourishes wellness in body, mind, heart, and soul, as well as the earth and all living things. Candia's experience with environmental illness while growing up led her to awaken her innate eco-intelligence and to embark on a path of self-learning and self-healing. Her inspirational books, teaching infographics, video cooking classes, lifestyle podcasts, and her Eco-Mentor Leadership Trainings, all of which reflect her passion and compassion, have invited praise from many global change-agents.

Course Outline

Intro Video: Drugless, Holistic HealthCare

1: Exploring the Difference Between Conventional & Holistic Healthcare

2: Is Your Dentist Eco-Friendly?

2X_ Heal Your Teeth & Gums Naturally

3: Why Do Conventional Medical Doctors Push Vaccines?

4: In the Wake of Destruction: Vaccine Injuries

5: Is There an Alternative to Vaccines, Doctor?

6: Can Cannabis Help Kids with Autism?

6X: Managing the Symptoms of Autism with Cannabis

7: The Yin & Yang of Health Eating (Food is Medicine)

8: Chinese 5-Element Food Therapy

9: Ancient Soil Organisms for Health vs. Probiotics Alone

10: What is Environmental Medicine? (Find Doctors Who Practice it)

11: Radical Self-Care Tips for Managing Symptoms of OCD, ADHD

12: Have You Been Affected by Mold Toxicity? (Find a Doctor to Help)

13: Enhancing Your Life Force with Scalar Energy


1: Exploring the Difference Between Conventional & Holistic Health Care

2: Is Your Dentist Eco-Friendly?

3: Why Do Conventional Medical Doctors Push Vaccines?

4: In the Wake of Destruction: Vaccine Injuries

5: Is There an Alternative to Vaccines, Doctor?

6: Managing the Symptoms of Autism with Cannabis

7: The Yin & Yang of Health Eating (Food is Medicine)

8: Chinese 5-Element Food Therapy

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