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Tabletop TUTORS 11: Learn & Teach about the Needs of Youth with Autism, ADHD, OCD, and Special Needs

77 Lessons

All Levels

Learn How to Create a Clean, Green, Nourishing Lifestyle for Youth who Are On or Near the Spectrum

Are you a mom, a dad, or an educator who is trying to figure out how your child (or the child in your care) developed Autism? Have you been told by a functional medicine doctor that you need to do a whole lifestyle makeover if you want to support your child in getting well? Are you overwhelmed by that prospect? If you are, you're not alone. But your child is depending on you for answers, right?

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About This Course

Learning Objectives
    Tabletop TUTORS 11: Learn & Teach about the Needs of Youth with Autism, ADHD, OCD, and Special Needs Details
    77 Lessons
    Level: All
    Estimated Time To Complete
    Course Description

    Are you a mom, a dad, or an educator who is trying to figure out how your child (or the child in your care) developed Autism? Have you been told by a functional medicine doctor that you need to do a whole lifestyle makeover if you want to support your child in getting well? Are you overwhelmed by that prospect? If you are, you're not alone. But your child is depending on you for answers, right? It truly does take a village to raise a child who is on or near the spectrum. And because I can relate to your struggle (I raised a child with OCD) I created a whole collection of colorful, text-rich infographics that make it easy to learn about autism triggers, as well as the clean, green lifestyle choices, food choices, and healthcare choices that will support your child (and even your whole family) in living a better life! My infographics will save you tons of time, energy, and money in your quest for well-being!


    • Candia Lea Cole

      Candia Lea Cole, the founder of Eco-Learning Legacies, is known by her peers within the holistic health community as the eco-intelligent lifestyle mentor. She creates educational tools that support individuals, families, and wellness educators to learn (and teach) about the why and the how of creating a clean, green lifestyle that nourishes wellness in body, mind, heart, and soul, as well as the earth and all living things. Candia's experience with environmental illness while growing up led her to awaken her innate eco-intelligence and to embark on a path of self-learning and self-healing. Her inspirational books, teaching infographics, video cooking classes, lifestyle podcasts, and her Eco-Mentor Leadership Trainings, all of which reflect her passion and compassion, have invited praise from many global change-agents.

    Course Outline

    Audio: Parenting Special Needs Kids (Autism, OCD, ADHD)


    1: What Is Autism and ASD?

    2: I'm the Parent of a Special Needs Child

    3: It Takes a Village to Raise a Child on the Autism Spectrum

    4: Do People with Autism Communicate Like Dolphins?

    5: I'm a Face on the Autism Spectrum



    1: Are Your Child's Brain Chemicals Misbehaving?

    2: Does Your Child Have Methylation Issue?

    3: Why Do Conventional Medical Doctors Push Vaccines?

    4: In the Wake of Destruction: Vaccine Injuries

    5: Are Heavy Metals Igniting a Fire in You (Child's) Brain?

    6: Is There an Alternative to Vaccines, Doctor?

    7: Have You (Your Child Been Affected by Mold Toxicity?

    8: Do You (Your Child) Have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?

    9: Do You (Your Child) Have OCD-or OCSD? (Autism Subset)

    10: OCD : What, in the World Causes it?

    11: 12 Radical Self-Care Tips for Managing the Symptoms of OCD



    1: Why Do Kids on the Spectrum Have Eating Issues?

    2: Creating Color Therapy Meals

    3: Eating to Defeat Autism

    4: Are You (Your Child) Eating Excitotoxins?

    5: Are You (Your Child) Eating Anti-Nutrients?

    6: Salicylates: Your Dietary Friend or Foe?

    7: Glutamates: Are You (Your Child) Eating Your Way into a Neurological Health Issue?

    8: Do Lectins Help of Hurt Your Health?

    9: Are Opiates in Your (Your Child's) Diet Stimulating Unhealthy Food Addictions?

    10: Can an Oxalate Redux Diet Help Kids on the Autism Spectrum?

    11: Eco-Intelligent Eating Model

    12: Is it Time to Adopt a Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet?

    13: Should You (Your Child) Try The GAPS Diet?



    1: Is Glyphosate Eroding Your (Your Child's) Health?

    2: Do You Suffer Gut Dysbiosis?

    3: Your Gut Bacteria Affects Health

    4: What is Leaky Gut?

    5: How Can I Heal Laky Gut?

    6: What is Candida Yeast Syndrome?

    7: Eating to Defeat Yeast

    8: Do Probiotics Have What It Takes to Cultivate a Healthy Gut Microbiome?



    1: Can Cannabis Help Kids with Autism?

    2: Managing Autism with Cannabis

    3: Eat Green Super Foods


    1: Anxious or Depressed? Treat Your Brain to Nature!

    2: Are You (Your Child) Crowding Out the World with Your Cell Phone?

    3: Are You (Your Child) Cooking Your Brain with a Cell Phone?

    4: Is Network News Getting You Down?

    5: Exploring the Antidote to Toxic TV News

    6: Earthing for Screen Addicted Kids


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